Updates From Us!

Hello readers!

Thank you so much for supporting Golden Essence Modeling Studio and Miss Planetary Organization! In this blog post, we are sharing some information with you all about what we have been up to recently :)

First and foremost, we want you all to please help support our upcoming fundraiser! The flyer is below and we welcome children, adults and families to attend. There are fun activities and helicopter rides available for donation fees! So, you get to have an awesome experience riding in a helicopter AND contribute to charity! The funds we raise from this will be used to help further our purpose of contributing to the lives of young women.

Secondly, we have been focusing on gaining press from media outlets in order to gain more publicity and support for us and our girls :) Here is a recent article published to an online business review journal that spotlighted our work! 

We have been working very hard to get our goals accomplished! All of your help has been deeply appreciated! Please visit us online to see how you can join the wave.
